Book Prize


The Sir John Leng Trust awards Gold and Silver medals for excellence in singing, but did you know it also has an annual Book Prize on offer?

The Book Prize is available to all schools and is awarded to a fifth or sixth year pupil every year for outstanding effort in Maths, Science or English.  The winning pupil is selected by the Rector of each school. 

The value of the Prize is £50.00 and the book(s) totalling this amount should be purchased by the school.  The receipted invoice should be sent to the Trust who will then reimburse the school.  If the pupil chooses books exceeding £50.00, he or she will require to pay the excess.

I look forward to hearing from each school with the name of the winning pupil, and the subject(s) in which they have displayed outstanding effort.  I will then prepare and send to you the appropriate label for insertion in the book. If you would like any further information about this, please contact

2019 Winners

Name of School

Name of Winner

Baldragon Academy Michael Lynch
Braeview Academy Samuel Reid Harper
Grove Academy Eve Bradshaw  & Connor Shaw
High School of Dundee Shona MacTavish
Monifieth High School Alisa Appleton & Ben MacDermid
Morgan Academy Aliena Arshad & Meritexll Perez Vila
St John’s RC High School Lara Sinclair